Logo of the Museum of Vestigial Desire
The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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Desire is the seed of life.

What if the desire of humanity as a mass became depressed? Would it lose the will to survive beyond a generation?

Desire is a trigger.

Triggers also need to be fired.

How does desire get triggered? Emotion is a catalyst that gets born in your interaction with the world. It is the lubricant that eases social situations.

Emotion is born to trigger desires. And when this happens, the desires become real. After a point emotion and desire seem to be entwined in such a mix that it is impossible to tell them apart.

Some desires that you see reflected in the world and in the actions of its inhabitants don't seem to have any such emotional trigger as its basis.

Desires which have somehow either auto-triggered or have been triggered by a faux emotion can be told apart. Not everyone can tell such desires apart but we can. We are a set of lenses.

We tell such desires apart and we realise that these desires have become distorted in form and function. This distortion allows them to be stable in a auto-triggered, auto-sexual state. These states seem to be stable but culture on the whole reflects conditions of instability because of these distorted desires being snuck away in their body.

This instability manifests because after these auto-triggered desires have been acted on and before they are recycled to enter the general consciousness again, they get dissected. On dissection, the desire is recycled but the emotion is set free. But the thing is that there is no emotion in these auto-triggered desires. At the time of dissection, an instability is created.

Culture is an automaton, so there is no one to complain to, but we read the sensibilities of the world and we know. At one time, the instabilities were few but now, it is in the air, everything is precarious.

Now the nature of desire has changed, from being a molecular entity that combined desire and its trigger to a shell of a molecular entity that just holds desire and a ghost of a trigger.

We are constantly on the lookout for such desires in order to contain their percolation and stem the further spread of instability and we have taken on this onus single-handedly and hence feel its burden on our shoulders.

Desire is the cornerstone of analysis? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? These are very important questions because they reveal the flavour of the analysand's mind.

After the flavour is known, there can be some engagement or intervention.

Desire is also known as the stray, hungry dog. It has no loyalty and no commitment except for the fulfilment of itself. Such a commitment is at the risk of any sense of balance that the host body of the desire might hold.

By nature, a rabid desire is already a destabilising force, when the auto-triggered shell desires come in, the risk of instability only increases.

So the world is on the verge, the edge, the brink of drowning in itself, of tripping on itself, of imploding. We wish to state this observation loud and clear.

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