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The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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Who is the other? Who listens when we speak? Is it fair to even expect someone to do so?

What do non-committal responses to reports of experiences mean? Do they need to be taken seriously?

Each experience is meant for a specific audience. If you cannot connect with something it means that it wasn't meant for you.

There is no scope to judge the quality of an experience on the basis of dry third-party reportage. There is no way to judge an experience on the basis of an analysis that is super-imposed by an audience that doesn't even belong to the target group of a specific experience.

Targets are important. When you produce an experience, you have the freedom to narrow its scope of access to alter its intensity. Intensity and access are inversely related, the more the access the less the intensity and the less the access the more the intensity. So the freedom to narrow the scope of experiences that we produce is important. If we didn't have that freedom, we would be compulsive mass-broadcasters.

Broadcasting is not always the best thing to do. Every ear on which our message is incident dulls our message. A message which has been incident on too many minds essentially remains only a reduced shell of itself.

To seek an optimal audience for a particular message, first it has to be understood. What does it hold in itself? Whom is it specially configured for? In which mind will the message denote and create noise like never seen before? Only after knowing this can a specific message be circulated for distribution. As an author of a particular message, what position do you want to take?

How much intensity needs to be balanced with how much access?

More is not necessarily better in this case.

Different packets of content are born to have different kinds of access and so are able to muster different kinds of intensity.

To identify each packet of content correctly and allow each to manifest in its own appropriate fashion is a skill.

So audience is not just a more-then-merrier thing, there are settings in which no audience might be necessary and settings in which a minimum size of the audience is the whole world.

Narrowcasting or broadcasting are available choices and are employed as required.

As far as this museum is concerned, we do not need to measure. We do not keep server logs, so there is no way of knowing how many people visit the website. If you do not know a number it can be anything. It can be zero and it can be infinite.

Audience is a very important parameter to acknowledge in your model of distribution even if your content package requires no audience.

Your relationship with the idea of the audience defines your sociality. In a given social space what role do you play? This is very important to know.

This museum works for the consumers of text based search on the internet. On the internet, any content body beyond a certain size is visible because of its sheer size. In a database that is constantly indexing the meta-data and text from the body, the bigger content body has more entries and comes up more often in database lookups.

We work for the frustrated seeker, seeking nourishing clarifying content on the internet. The internet has become a shopping mall, but this doesn't mean that we can't walk around and talk to people.

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