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The Museum of Vestigial Desire

Tag Archives: toilet

Why do we need to shit? tags: toilet body

We need to shit because we can't come to terms with the crisis at our hands. The real crisis. With everything that we've got going on, we still need to eat to survive. We still need to follow an ancient set of rituals to prepare bits of plants and animals for eating. This cocktail of witchcraft, magic and science that we call cooking is still our only answer. The sun and its radioactive spillage is still the only way we survive. Photosynthesis in plants is the dynamo of all human activity.…

Toilets have no remorse tags: toilet body private/public hygiene

Toilets are the depositories of secrets. Private havens for cloaking our relationship with filth. Then again, how much can sophistication hide? Up until the moment we manage to leave our bodies behind and download our essence into the infrastructure, the primitive functioning of the body is part of our story. A part of our crime. As all stories are stories of crime. I often think of the architecture of toilets, how do they have us forget that we are in the public? Doors are not enough, false…