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The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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When fulfilment is about to happen, multiple possibilities of change generate conflict. This conflict is between different possible futures. Some futures arrive and some futures remain potential. Between many potential futures, conflict emerges. The kind of conflict which is lethal. It can lead to an event or it can lead to death. We are in awe of such conflicts. When they turn their lethal face — then force shies away. Force is worth so much drama that there are kinds of forces that compete to clash and compete. In the absence of force, perfectly able conflicts wither away. We have sceneries of conflicting situations in which because of the lack of force the situations that were going to flare up, wither away.

And this evokes sadness. Similar to the sadness evoked by wilting flowers when they had already promised to bloom. At stake here is the emotion of promise and the spirit of potential. When these two fade, gloom rises. The atmospherics of gloom is very nasty. It exudes sadness and desolation. Without gloom, the world is between states of action but tilting neither way. It is between promises — broken and kept. When promises are kept the world seems to be safe. It seems to have a glow that can only be sensed as a warm and fuzzy feeling. But if promises are not kept, the world is a dark and scary place. So scary that it can crumble at any point. We deal with such worlds, worlds which can crumble at any moment. Such worlds are not to be believed in. We focus in our stories on the conflict between worlds in which promises are kept and the ones in which they are not.

Conflicts also describe how in particular situations it does not really matter how deeply intense the conflict threatening the world is. In such a case, a conflict can simply emerge between different conditions in the story’s arc. The arcs can be conflicted to each other. Instead of smoothly progressing, one can be progressing and the other regressing.

It is not possible to decipher what is going wrong and then we have a prime example of of a world stuck in a disarray. Sometimes this disarray is functional and sometimes procedural. These two words just can’t be weaned away from each other and in the constant cackle of their jittery existence they live that way.
For this text to have some reasonably stability, we will frame these two words here. A functional disarray arrives to a chaotic way of being through failure. A procedural disarray arrives to a chaotic way of life through malfunction.

Sometimes conflicts emerge from each other only to merge back in an instant. This situation is called volatile — they are stable and non-volatile for a very short period of time. What do we do if conflicts are duplicitous and fake. If they show something else and are something else.

We will sound the alarm. We will raise some hue and cry and we will try to call some attention to the fact that we are being cheated.

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