Logo of the Museum of Vestigial Desire
The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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When the outside and the inside are one, how could one have priority over the other? But the outside does have priority over the inside. How is that possible?

When people encounter surfaces, fist they encounter the outer and then they encounter the inner. So as far as we are supposed to communicate ourselves, our outer form takes precedence over the internal.

But if we neglect our internal self and focus primarily on the outside, there is a cost that must be paid. The cost must be paid in the form of an acceptance that our act that is solely outward facing is faulty.

Once we accept that our act is faulty, how do we continue to act. We continue to act with the knowledge that our act does not represent some absolute truth.

We act as if the curtains are drawn and we need to get used to seeing ourselves exposed in broad daylight.

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