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The Museum of Vestigial Desire


tags: clock published on:

Is the future far away or is it right around the corner, hidden behind the current moment? The future is the time to come. It is at the same time, a compressed form of all the future potentials compressed into one and it is still a time to represent which no clock has ever been made. The clock measures time, time can only be measured in units. How many units exist in total and in multiples of which figure is not known. Do we really need to know that?

We need to know that only if we are attempting to determine where we are in the continuum of time. And we can not determine that. Because we are far and we are close, we know that we are both. And if we are both, we cannot exist as a singular kind of entity. We manifest distance as well as intimacy, we look at ourselves from the outside as well as from the inside.

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