Logo of the Museum of Vestigial Desire
The Museum of Vestigial Desire


tags: shape published on:

The form that is given to a given entity is not an accident. Deep consideration is given to each parameter of its design. And form is not even a parameter. It is not even derived from a set of parameters. Form is a constraint. The aesthetic a specific form needs to meet is not decided by any process that occurs across a single instance. The template of the ideal form is derived from working on scores of projects across time. The aesthetic of a designer is developed by a lot of factors. Some of these factors have nothing to do with design and have something to do with the life of the designer. The word life includes all the content staged off the drawing board. What is seen? What is spoken? What is heard? What becomes part of the filter and what is only a mannerism that is brushed off over time?

The form emerges out of the fiction of the designer’s self-construction.

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