Logo of the Museum of Vestigial Desire
The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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Ergonomics is the economics of comfort. Because it is the economics and not for instance the dynamics, there is a certain amount of give and take that needs to be taken into account. What can be given away and what can be retained in the context of a given design object? Not all aspects of the use of an object can be made comfortable, everything is inter-linked and some flips trigger some flops. When comfort becomes perfectly calibrated, luxury emerges. Luxury is the abundance of comfort in ways ordinarily imagined to be untenable. There is no constraint of cost in a luxury product. Actually the more the price a luxury product demands, the greater the chances of it keeping its promise.

Authentic luxury does not care about the money. It just wants to provide an unsparingly exact response to our fantasy of how well things can be coordinated.

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