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The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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Copies are made not because there is a dearth of ideas but because putting new ideas into motion is a risk. And risk and capital have a relationship that is opposed to each other. Where there is risk, there will be no capital. Capital is available only for a predictable multiplication, for some factor of extrapolation. If something works as an idea, then it can be scaled up. If it has been not proven yet then there is no opportunity or stage available for it. The task of vetting of ideas and deciding which is worthy of investment and which not is performed by the faculty of copying. If something is worth copying then surely it would at least be worth doing.

How do we make our ideas easy to copy? We should expose them through whichever means possible. Spam, for instance has a very low success rate, but when it gets though, it makes a connection which feels like a discovery.

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